Height - 6' 6" in heels
Weight - 220Lb
Orientation - Bisexual
Nationality - American
It's HER! The girl, the myth the legend. She's 30 and flirty. Is she a robot? An advanced Ai? In this economy, if you have the cash she'll be anything you want. She's a spit fire who is passionate about singing, and will do her best to help those around her.
She looks intimidating but is actually very laid back as long as you are on her good side. She is quick to defend her friends and she is very loyal once you win her over. She loves to see how much she can push her voice and expand her range.

Terms of Service
- Do not use TREi to make anything racist.
- Don't use TREi to be harmful against marginalised groups. (light joking is fine, just nothing vile)
- genderbending or racebending her
-You can absolutley use her VBs to make professional songs! No compensation required, just credit when applicable.
- If you make utau merch/art feel free to add her to your roster
- NSFW and Furry and both encouraged
- You may use her voice files to produce/test synths. Please just label them as TREi if used publicly.

Voice Banks
TREi has ALOT of VBs. Click an icon to jump to one, or scroll to see them all
Legacy Voice Banks
Outdated voicebanks that are still available to download. There is often a better alternative, but you are welcome to use them
Other Notable Voicebanks

TREi Voicebanks

Art: Redbirddraws
Oto: Yin-P and Xiao Pinnguo
A bit of magical girl flair! This is a powerscale bank in the VCV English style that I created.
She comes with a variety of glottal stops, fries, breaths, and more.
Japanese CV-VC, English, Tagalog, Spanish.
-4 VCV-E style pitches -
G4 Power & Soft - D4 Base - A3 Soft
-3 CV-C style add-ons-
F3 Soft - A4 Rage - C5 Fallsetto

Art: Jingo
Oto: Yin-P and Veltos-P
A firey powerhouse. Trei wildfire has expressions for power and soft singing, and can bring alot of emotion to your songs.
TREi's WiLDFiRE bank is a CV-C English and VCV Japanese multipitch bank. She includes Power and Soft styles, vocal fry, breaths, and more.
Japanese CV-VC and VCV, English, Tagalog, Spanish.
-8 VCV-E style pitches -
C5 Falsetto - A4 Rage - G4 Power & Soft - D4 Soft & base - A3 soft - F3 Soft

Art: MAJArtsy
Oto: Yin-P
She has awakened! Presenting the world's only multipitch English screamo bank.
CV-C style, capable of English, Japanese, Tagolog, and Spanish.
-5 Expressions -
FALLSETTO - Highest Pitch, has a little restraint
POWER - High pitch with no restraint
SOFT - An alternate to power. It's a whispery screamo
BASE - Midtone
DEEP - Fry for very low notes

Art: Sickly Siren
Oto: Biggity Boy
A flight of vocal flavors, including a sample of ViNO, in a convenient small size. Try all of TREi's best vocal styles, and a few that can only be found here.
C+V style bank. 20 Expressions, all tri-pitch. Includes a few screamo styles, vocal fry, and Jazz style fry.

Legacy Voice Banks
They might not be the must up-to-date banks, but they are part of TREi's history. Feel free to download them and enjoy how vintage they are.

Art: Makku
Oto: Evillivy and SunGuardian524
TREi's original English bank, now packaged with her first screamo bank.
D4 VCCV English

VCV Legacy
Art: Evillivy
Oto: Evillivy
TREi's first VCV bank!
C#4 VCV with CV-VC aliasing.

CV Legacy
Art: Evillivy
Oto: Evillivy
After I learned how to properly oto and use utau we came out with all of Team-Shizun's updated CV banks.
C#4 CV in Romaji and Hiragana

TreiPo Act1
Art: Evillivy
Oto: Evillivy
Where it all started! The original release for TREi and PO back all those years ago. How far they have come.
TREi and PO banks, with /Neko Kanoichi's English style as well as hiragana aliases.