Click one to jump the the resources you need. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to Evillivy or Yin-P

Since VCV-E is an extension of CV-C, the CV-C website will have a lot of wonderful resources that you can use in addition to the ones found here. VCV-E uses the same principals as any CVVC style bank, with the addition of VCV notes for vowels. For example:
Hello World
CV-C: [- h][he][e l][lo][o w][w3][3 l][l d][d -]
VCV-E: [- he][e lo][o w3][3ld -]
While it is best to get failure with the different note types that exist in utau, which our tutorials can help with, I have partnered with cadlaxa to make a phonemizer for open utau. This phonemizer works for CV-C and VCV-E. Hopefully it will be included in future updates of OU. but for now you can download it here.

The VCV-E recite list is modular so you can chose what best fits your recording style. There is the default list which has the notes needed to make VCV-E, and there are the extras which can add a variety of options. All pronunciation is based off of CV-C In CC2 and EX capitalized constants are meant to be carried.
The base VCV notes for english.
The multi constant sounds. Bla - Shra -ask
Constant sounds combined. Sounds that could be stretched are combined with sounds that can and cannot be stretched to make some better emphasis on words. M-b M-L
Contains some supplement CV-C notes, like Diphthongs and harder to pronounce constants.
A fairly basic VCV Japanese bank with a few English extras.
Extra Lists
0R - 1NG
Has CV-C style notes for 0r and 1ng
CV-C Full
A full CV-C extended bank. There will be some overlaping notes, but it gives you the option to have a working CV-C bank for only a little more effort.
Has those nice extras like glottal stops, carried vowels, vocal fry, end breaths, ect.
JPN Romanji
An alternative to the JPN list that is written in romanji instead of kana. Functionally the same list.

This is a list of useful plugins for VCV-E. Yin-P already made a list like this for CV-C and since they are sister styles alot of what Yin-P covers works for VCV-E
Iro-Iro has a TON of useful features. It's a must have for any utau users. It has a Romanji VCV option. It can get rid of old suffixes, and best of all it has custom replacement lists.
Yin-P has set up Iro-Iro replacement lists that turn VCCV and Arpasing into CV-C, they are a must have for using VCV-E
Lyric Parser 2.0